Welcome to the Sequoyah Scrappers blog. This blog was created for students participating in the Tennessee LEAP program to showcase their work. Check back frequently as the group will be meeting on a weekly basis. Comments and followers are greatly welcomed!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25, 2012 LEAP Session

Today, we had eight participants in the LEAP Technology and Design class.  The students worked on paper flowers and vinyl embellishments.  Donated wallpaper samples and cardstock were used to create beautiful flowers. Participants used glossy acrylic spray to add shine to their flowers.  They then used the hot glue gun to add sequin embellishments and metal hair clips.  Some of the girls plan on wearing the flowers in their hair to accentuate their prom dresses.  Our high school's prom is this coming Friday.  In addition to creating beautiful floral works of art, the students used adhesive vinyl to decorate sports bottles and travel mugs. They created some unique, but functional, works of art. Other students used the computers to work on a chapter newsletter for our Key Club.  This was a very busy but productive LEAP session!!! Due to field trips and end of course testing, next week will be our final LEAP session for the Technology and Design class, but most participants are anxious to start this class